My Wig: The Pollen Catcher

When we hear the statement:  Using wigs for protective styling generally what comes to mind  is the fabulous benefits of tucking ones natural tresses away and creating healthier hair and a healthier scalp; thus  the understood is protecting ones natural hair  from the stressful  regimen it is accustomed to enduring day in and day out be it due to  extreme heat styling from hot blow dryers or high heat from ceramic plates and/or  curling wands not to mention chemical applications such as  perms and bleaching  agents.

However defining  protective styling need not stop there. An innumerable amount of  people suffer from some form of sinusitis due to pollen allergy every year and for many pollen season is upon us. A very common sight  in my corner of the world right now is observing  the massive pale yellow haze as it  dances  upon the wind until it reaches its destination and unfortunately that destination while not intentional ends up  being our person  (and our  dogs, cats ,cars,  oh wow )well due to this reality it is recommended that people shampoo and wash themselves ( clothing)  from head to toe to remove pollen from their person in order to keep issues at bay.

Washing ones hair thoroughly daily and if need be  several times daily is a cinch for those that have extremely oily scalps  however what about  those that do not; it would be severely unnerving  to shampoo, treat the hair and scalp with organic oils, butters and creme  only to return home with your hair in the hue of lemon  and  how about those that are  enduring  eczema or  seborrhetic dermatitis  both skin  and scalp conditions that  according to dermaharmony .com  is made worse with the use of hard water. Multiple daily shampoos would excite a riot like never seen before bringing itching, flaking and major irritation can we say ouch and no thank you, please, Cue: The wig

What a wonderful way to look fabulously stylish while keeping your natural hair from becoming the  pollen catcher.


Shaking your wig vigorously after wearing it outside will assist you in removing pollen residue. If there is product on your wig, (conditioners, pomades, oils) pollen could stick to the fibers in which case it could require that you rinse your wig thoroughly to remove pollen.  Either human hair or synthetic  hair wigs would easily do the trick; however if the need to rinse and or wash the wig becomes necessary daily due to pollen  build up and various debris synthetic traditional or futura fibers would be the better option; excessive washing of human hair wigs will result in them possibly drying out beyond

As always thanks for visiting my blog and reading my post